
10 Easy Steps to Becoming a Sustainability Warrior On Campus

Title: Using laptop outdoors. Author: Antonio Diaz. Source:

Trying to go green as a college student? Feeling stuck past recycling and reusable bottles and constrained to your busy schedule? You’re not alone.

Between classes, internships, and your very important social life, not many of us have the time to plant trees or the ability to replace dorm room light switches with dimmer lights. You feel the responsibility to give back to the earth, though, as we all do.

I incorporated these 10 easy (and cost-friendly!) sustainability practices into my college life that make me feel like a green warrior! From things as easy as unplugging my desk lamp to thrift shopping, there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll find these practices as fulfilling and simple as I did.

1.) Take Notes Electronically

Today’s digitally focused requires most college students to have their own laptop, which makes buying notebooks and loose leaf paper a thing of the past and taking class notes on your laptop a great way to reduce paper usage!

2.) Borrow, Borrow, Borrow those Textbooks!

Most, if not all, college courses require textbooks to be able to get you through the course, but why buy brand new (expensive!) when you could utilize Amazon Rentals, Chegg, or even your school’s book store to rent books instead? Not only are you saving money, but you’re helping reduce the increase of brand new books being printed for demand.

3.) Use Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs

It’s hard to change up your dorm room to be better sustainable due to school restrictions, but changing your light bulbs to energy-efficient compact fluorescent (CFLs) or LED bulbs is as easy as unscrewing the old and re-screwing the new. Not only are these bulbs eco-friendly, they’re also easier on the eyes!

4.) Unplug When Not in Use

Did you realize that even if you don’t have that lamp turned on or phone connected to your charger, you’re still using energy? Unplugging electronics when not using them ensures that energy is not being wasted!

5.) Layer Up

Turning your thermostat down a few degrees may seem miniscule to you, especially if you throw a sweater on to compensate, but the environment will absolutely feel the difference!

6.) Decrease Meat Consumption

The meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases affecting the environment, generating more global warming greenhouse gas in CO2 equivalent than transportation! Reducing meat consumption, or even cutting meat out completely for one day a week, is great for not only the environment but also your health!

7.) Spritz, Don’t Spray

Aerosol spray cans not only deplete the ozone layer, but release toxins that are harmful to your body. Opt out of aerosol sprays and use spritz bottles instead!

8.) Become a Thrift-God

Utilizing thrift stores to buy preowned clothes, dishes, and furniture keeps these items out of landfills, money in your pockets, and generates unique style! Channel your inner creativity to upcycle an old dresser for $20 rather than buy brand new furniture for hundreds of dollars!

9.) Keep Plants in your Dorm

Not only do plants look great and improve mental health, but they add humidity to the air, and duh – improve air quality by putting oxygen back into the air!

10.) Air Dry

Letting your clothes or hair air dry instead of using a heater or drying machines is super beneficial for the environment. Additionally, air drying your clothes keeps them from shrinking so, score!

As you can see, these ten practices incorporate low-effort, high-impact practices to positively contribute to the environment while *bonus* also helping you save money! From renting textbooks to adopting meatless Monday’s, your sustainability footprint will soon be bigger than the big foot!

What are your favorite three practices listed above, and which have you already incorporated into your college life? Let me know in the comments below!

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